Thank You for Choosing Kindergarten Writing and the Common Core: Joyful Pathways to Accelerated Literacy
Here are the latest teacher supports
The program includes Kindergarten Writing and the Common Core manual, a package of 250 blackline templates, and the CD of these templates in color
You asked for a management guide and we listened! This now includes a CCSS progression overview and a yearlong overview of essential, authentic literacy lessons
- Kindergarten Writing and the Common Core: CCSS Progression Overview
- A Year-long Overview
- Kindergarten Writing and the Common Core (September Guidelines)
Study Guide Tips: The 10 proven strategies in this professional development program will enhance any Writing Workshop model
1. If you have not studied writing with us: We highly
recommend that you first view and read the beautiful full-
color photos from our 6-hour professional development
seminar Power Guide CD (See #2 below). We include the
Seminar Power Guide book and CD and the Seminar Gift
Folder free with District orders of 8 or more copies of
our program. Consider studying one chapter each week. (We
use the term “Power Guide” rather than “PowerPoint” since each slide has the actual language that Nellie Edge uses in
her seminars.)
Organize your Writing Templates: We highly recommend teachers store the 250 black and white templates in clear plastic sleeves and organize them into two books, chapter by chapter, for ease of use. Then use the CD to print any item you want in full color.
2. Seminar Power Guide will come in both of these forms: the complete seminar CD and accompanying book (four slides per page). Each of the ten high-impact strategies will take one to two hours to view, read, and discuss. Enjoy links to several song and video clips.
3. Our Seminar Gift Folder has samples of literacy props and blank books that our young authors and illustrators use: Rubber Band Books, Skinny Books, Little Folded Books, and a blank Bare Book for publishing. The folder is an example of children’s Writing Workshop folders that we reference in Chapter 5 of the Kindergarten Writing manual.
Explore These 10 Highest-Impact Writing Strategies
What are the high-impact writing practices that accelerate writing development? How do we differentiate instruction to simultaneously challenge and support diverse learners within the same kindergarten? How do we teach more intentionally, systematically, and create joyful pathways to the Common Core Standards? Authentic, meaning-centered literacy is the answer!
Study Group: This symbol is for reflection: With our heart we know how to apply “best practices” research while we reach for the stars with the lives of our children.
Strategy 1 Bond with Children, and Create a Joyful Learning Community, Rich in Songs, Poetry, Sign Language, and Celebrations. Use collaborative experiences in the arts and deep connections with nature to engage the child in reading, writing, thinking, speaking, listening, and creating. (Read about the SMILE approach to joyful accelerated literacy.) pg 27
Strategy 2 Use Multisensory ABC and Phonics Immersion with American Sign Language and Parents as Partners: Teach for mastery! pg 62, 66
Strategy 3 Begin Kindergarten-Friendly Handwriting with the “Name Ticket:” Teach basic handwriting patterns through memorable songs, chants, and movement techniques. pg 94, 97
Strategy 4 Teach for Fluency with High-Frequency “Heart Words” and Provide Authentic Phonics Practice! Sing, sign, spell, and write real words—systematically, playfully, and with great intention. pg 147, 151
Strategy 5 Create a Culture of Engaged and Purposeful Writers with “Kid Writing” workshop and authentic writing experiences across the curriculum. Provide engaging minilessons that touch the heart and imagination of children. pg 181a, 194, 195
Strategy 6 Invite Children to Use Independent Writing and Drawing Centers to practice their craft in a meaningful context and develop writing stamina. Make lists, messages, and “really cool” books. Thoughtfully provide “choice words” and responsive feedback to your children. pg 234, 236
“We can choose to spoon-feed our children or we can teach them to beindependent, self-regulated learners.” - Nellie Edge
Strategy 7 Introduce Well-loved Song Picture Books, Quality Fiction, and Nonfiction as Mentor Texts: Build oral language patterns, voracious vocabulary learning habits, and a love of books. Involve children in book clubs, science exploration, and family research projects. Use literature to inform narrative, informational, and opinion writing. pg 250, 268, 270
Strategy 8 Publish Children’s Books and Celebrate Young Authors in Simple and Delightful Ways! Invite children to write, illustrate, revise, edit and publish their own books. Discover the powerful affirmation through word and song, ♫”Prolific Writers Are We!” pg 310, 312
Strategy 9 Use Ongoing Authentic Assessment culminating in student-led parent conferences. Be systematic and intentional. End the year with simple and memorable celebrations of learning! pg 321
Strategy 10 Involve Parents as Partners to nurture a love of writing and drawing, and to reinforce foundational literacy skills through authentic writing activities at home. Family literacy multiplies our teaching effectiveness. pg 332, 342
Create a culture of engaged young writers: Keep writing real!
What Handwriting Resources Are Available with the Writing Program?
Kindergarten Handwriting Matters! Nellie Edge Blogs contain three detailed photo essays on kindergarten-friendly handwriting. It is a visual overview of Chapter 3 in your writing manual. Our Pinterest Handwriting Board also offers additional support and free resources. For teachers who want a more complete and systematic look at what we call “kindergarten-friendly handwriting,” we developed the following resource:
Kindergarten-Friendly Handwriting, Phonics, and Word Work: An authentic, meaning-centered, affordable approach to integrating handwriting into the writing program.
Components include:
- Detailed, 100-page spiral bound Teacher’s Guide, featuring photos in diverse kindergartens. (Teacher's Guide includes a 6-page, full-color photo essay!)
- A set of 40 pages of large group lessons, parent information letters, handwriting chants, drawing templates, and assessment pages. You have permission to make copies of all of these items. (Consider storing these in clear plastic sleeves in a handwriting notebook for
quick access.) - 30-page a-z student writing templates with cover page and assessments integrated. Permission is granted for teachers to make multiple copies of the student book with credits noted year after year. (This means your school does not need to purchase consumable handwriting books for each new class of children. We recommend binding these into individual notebooks for each child.)
- 1 sample A - Z bound notebook included as a suggested printing guide.
- Sample Parents as Partners Name Writing book: We think this book is so important, we not only give you the masters but put a sample one all stapled together to encourage you to make one for each of your families! It will make a huge difference in how quickly children’s name writing improves. (See page 19)
- Added Gift: Two additional folded black-line (11”x17”) masters for making little books and a folding guide page. (See page 50 in Teacher’s Guide for teaching tips!)
- I Like My Friends
- I See My Friends
We will continue to develop handwriting blogs and expand our Pinterest resources online. We hope you find our “Excellence in Kindergarten Literacy” newsletters, Nellie Edge blog and Pinterest boards useful as you build joyful and accelerated pathways to the Common Core.
Be looking for Nellie Edge Online Seminars in 2015. Kindergarten-Friendly Handwriting will be one of the targeted presentations from our highest-impact literacy strategies.
How Do We Accelerate Learning with 32 High-Frequency “Heart Words”: Children Sing, Sign, Spell, and Read!
Includes CD with Songs and Chants, Accompanying Anthology Pages and Word/Fingerspelling Models featuring Nellie Edge pink and purple “heart words” and the opinion writing words “because,” and “favorite”.
- Multisensory teaching engages the brain: Children sing, sign, and perform spelling songs and literacy chants
- Parents as Partners multiplies our teaching effectiveness (Permission granted to make multiple copies of CD, anthologies, and word/fingerspelling models for family literacy.)
- Children memorize, recite, illustrate, write and read the accompanying “I Can Read” Notebook pages
- Fingerspelling builds kinesthetic memory connections in long-term memory and writing teaches reading.
Meet rigorous Common Core Standards through high-impact teaching strategies that children love, parents love, and teachers love! Multisensory strategies build writing muscle and stamina.
Your Professional Development just got easier!
3 Foundation Seminars for $39 each
(individually $59)