I Love the Mountains/Amo Los Montes
Diane Larson is our ASL instructor with vocals by Nellie Edge and Kara Quillo.
Every child deserves the delight of “owning” this lovely traditional folk song. Sung by generations of young campers and scouts, the simple, repetitive phrases and beautiful melody combine to make it a perfect song to sing, sign, and then invite the children to read the print with comprehension and fluency.
“I love the…“ is a perfect sentence frame for children to use in creating their own unique adaptations of this song—illustrated and collect into a class-made book.
I Love the Mountains
I love the mountains.
I love the rolling hills.
I love the fountain.
I love the daffodils.
I love the fireside,
When all the lights are low.
Boom-dee-ah-da, Boom-dee-ah-da,
Boom-dee-ah-da, Boom-dee-ah-da,
Amo Los Montes
Amo los montes.
Amo las colinas.
Amo las fuentes.
Amo las flores.
Amo la hoguera.
Cunado anochece.
Tra-la-la-la, tra-la-la-la,
Tra-la-la-la, tra-la-la-la,

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