Learn Best Ways to Teach Sight Words
From Nellie Edge Online Seminar #3:
a Master Class in Authentic Sight Word Work
You’ll learn How to Accelerate Mastery of Sight Words:
We call these “heart words” because children learn them by heart.
“My kinders love the heart words!”

100+ pages of “heart word” templates are included with Online Seminar #3.

Children love hiding “I love you.” messages around their house.
How Do You Dramatically Increase Kindergarten Writing Proficiency?
Fluency with "Heart Word" sentences is the key!
We'll show you how.
• Make learning visible
• Involve Parents as Partners
• Give children crystal-clear, achievable targets
• Create a growth mindset

Children Sing Spelling Songs to Become Proficient Writers
L-o-v-e Spells Love
Parents love this approach and the songs become part of family literacy

The word “love” is practiced for mastery. The “heart word” sentence, “I love you”, is our power sentence.
You can simultaneously teach high-frequency “heart words” and kindergarten-friendly handwriting to build rapid recall and writing fluency.
All "Heart Word" props featured on this page are included with Nellie Edge Online Seminar #3.

Preview Nellie Edge performing L-O-V-E Spells Love
from Nellie Edge Online Seminar #3
The step-by-step video tutorials are broken into the following chapters:
Chapter 1: Teach High-Frequency Words
Chapter 2: Writing “Heart Word” Sentences
Chapter 3: Multisensory Teaching Lessons
Chapter 4: Sing, Sign, Spell, and Read!
Chapter 5: The King of “ing”
Chapter 6: Review and Goals
This bestselling, transformative work helps kindergarten teachers like you bring excitement and delight to your students—they’ll love learning the skills that accelerate writing proficiency.
Multiplying Your Teaching Effectiveness by Involving Parents
Share songs, Anthology Pages, and Word/Fingerspelling Cards with each family!
Teachers are encouraged to and have full permission to make copies of the 33 Sing, Sign, Spell, and Read! songs and 49 reproducible activity pages to encourage family literacy! (All included in your purchase of Online Seminar #3.)
Listen to L-o-v-e-Spells-Love (Download mp3)
33 songs are included as a digital download when you buy the Online Seminar #3. Or you may order the hard copy of the CD and program materials here.

Make Learning Visible: Create Crystal Clear Learning Targets

As soon as the child has learned all of the pink “heart words”, he gets to master the purple “heart words”! Reading and writing fluency is expected. Some children will master all four sets of words by December and be using their skills as prolific writers. Developmentally younger students may need more good first teaching with multisensory strategies.
You will also Learn How Pink “Heart Words” Build Powerful Sentences!
Pink “Heart Words” Build Powerful Sentences:
Children practice quick writes of “heart word” sentences every morning.
At first they use a "heart word" sentence model. With repetition, the sentences become a part of long-term memory, and the writing muscle grows!

Here’s what else is covered in this content-rich Online Seminar #3...
Children Quickly Learn "the" and "the end" with these Spelling Chants
Expect children to start writing “the end” on the last page of their personally authored little books: Give children authentic reasons to use new words.

Listen to Nellie Edge Teach "the" with Fingerspelling and Song
from Nellie Edge Online Seminar #3
Kindergarten Authors and Illustrators Love to Write Stories and Decorate Their End Pages

Children Learn to Write and Stamp “Heart Words”
(Notice one student is working on pink “heart words” and the other is already working on purple)

Stamp and Read Skinny Book page

Independent Writing Totes have all the supplies needed for “We Love Lists” word work: Favorite ABC Phonics Words, Grocery lists, Wish lists…

Your Children Will Learn Words and Use them To Make Books!
Authentic word work is NOT meaningless workbook pages

Listen to Nellie Edge present B – o – o – k Book!
(Song #17 from Nellie Edge Online Seminar #3))
See how each child will use “heart words” to make real books.

Children Love to Draw and Make Books about Animals
We simultaneously develop handwriting and high-frequency “heart words.”

In September, Children Learn to Label Drawings and Write Sentences
"This is My House: H-o-u-s-e" 

Watch Nellie Edge present "This is My House: H-o-u-s-e"
Newly Taught “Heart Words” Go Up on the Word Wall
Words are magnetically backed so children can use them.

Word Walls for Small Spaces: Use (automotive steel) oil drip pan. It hangs from a PVC frame with zip ties through holes drilled into corners.
Take the “Hard” Out of Remembering “ing”
Watch Nellie Edge perform "There's an 'ing' in King" from
Online Seminar #3

Simultaneously teach handwriting and sight words.

Take a Master Class in Authentic Sight Word Work
with Nellie Edge Online Seminar #3
This Online Seminar includes step-by-step video tutorials, Teacher's Guide plus...
Over 300 pages of resources ready to download.
Earn College Credits. Download Information and Form
(Includes Practicum Suggestions)
Children Learn Opinion Writing Words
Give them automaticity with the word "because":
Sing, Sign, Spell, and Read!

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions:
Download answers to questions about High-Frequency "Heart Words"
Writing Workshop is Where Kid Writers Grow. Children Learn There Are Two Types of Words:
1. Words they are expected to know “by heart”
2. Words that they listen to, stretch through, and write the sounds for
Teach Phonics and Heart Words!

Writing Workshop is where teachers systematically develop phonics-based spelling and expect “heart words” to be spelled correctly.
Grow Your Kindergarten Writers
Children Learn: Your pictures and Words Tell a Story
Mastery of “heart word” sentences and phonics-based spelling within a Comprehensive Writing Workshop Model produce prolific kindergarten writers. Students proudly write and illustrate their own books. books!
Teaching High-Frequency "Heart Words":
See FAQs

Purchase Nellie Edge Kindergarten Sight Word Program (aka Writing-to-Read “Heart Words”) on TPT.
A Multisensory Approach:
•Integrates handwriting and sight word work to build sentence writing mastery
•Provides crystal-clear learning targets and differentiates instruction
•Involves Parents as Partners with easy, actionable, targeted, at-home practice
•Provides an art-rich TAG Learning Model for ALL students

Teachers love it. Students love it. Parents love it!
“I absolutely love this program! Integrating handwriting with sight word practice is amazing! Very authentic learning.”
-Jessica H. quote from TPT
“This is amazing and has changed how I teach sight words, into a method that is more meaningful, engaging, and appropriate for kindergartners. Thank you!”
-Anastasia I.
“I love this resource for my guided groups, and I love the heart word sentences that come with it.”
-Shakti B.
“I Love Nellie! I have been using her resources since I took her online seminars. I purchased this resource to have easily available to me when printing. My students love the heart word boards/posters and are so excited when a new color is pulled out.”
-Ciara Z quote from TPT
Take a Master Class Authentic Sight Word Work
with Nellie Edge Online Seminar #3
- Unlimited Access to Online Video Tutorials
- Companion Teacher's Guide
- Classroom Resources - See all that's included!
- Earn College Credits. Download Information and Form (Includes Practicum Suggestions)
The Foundation Online Seminars Also Include:
#1 Multisensory ABC and Phonics Immersion and #2 Kindergarten-Friendly Handwriting Matters!
Provide Ongoing PD for Your Literacy Team
Take advantage of team and district discounts.
Guidelines and Support for Study Group Leaders or contact us to learn more.
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This page features some of the many strategies you'll learn in Nellie Edge Online Seminar #3.