Literacy Leaders Support for Kindergarten PLC Time
Provide Ongoing PD for Your Kindergarten Team

Make Your Professional Learning Community (PLC) Time Count
Guidelines and Support for Nellie Edge Online Seminars (NEOS) Kindergarten Teachers and Literacy Coaches or Professional Learning Communities (PLC)
1. Invite potential study group teachers to peruse the ABC Phonics, Handwriting, and Sight Word pages at Would you like to make these authentic literacy lessons routine in your classrooms? NEOS is the easiest, most cost-effective way to make that happen! $49.00 for single seminars, or $99 for all 3 online seminars. Save $48 with this Special!
2. How Can Kindergarten Team Leaders register FREE for NEOS?
- When a study group of at least 4 teachers is registered for ALL 3 Foundational NEOS, the Kindergarten Team Leader can send a list of teachers’ names to She/he will then receive a code for FREE registration as the facilitator. Nellie Edge Online Seminars
3. Kindergarten PLC Coordinator may want to apply for a district or state professional development credit or WA Clock Hours using our Self-Assessment Guidelines and practicum suggestions and WA Clock Hours documentation. (Or teachers may pursue approved credit option through the University of the Pacific with meaningful practicum projects at $62 per credit.)
- ABC Phonics: Self-Assessment Guidelines | Practicum Specific Suggestions
- Kindergarten-Friendly Handwriting: Self-Assessment Guidelines | Practicum Specific Suggestions
- Authentic Sight Word Work: Self-Assessment Guidelines | Practicum Specific Suggestions
- WA Clock Hour documentation
- Download complete Team Leader Support Resources with FAQs and Practicum Suggestions
4. When planning for your (PLC) time, build in time for teachers to download templates and organize props, parent letters, and lessons. Read suggested practicum projects: depending on one’s professional goals, a teacher could easily spend 10-15 hours (and up to 45 hours!) completing meaningful follow-up work for each NEOS topic. Putting together these authentic resources to use in the classroom will take time! Practicing and reflecting on student response to new multisensory teaching and learning strategies requires time and commitment.
5. If possible, prior to the first study session, print for each teacher the 130+ page step-by-step Power Guide (MasterClass Intensive) book (individual pages or 4 slides to a page, horizontal). Have it spiral bound. Teachers can use these books (along with sticky notes) as they study each seminar individually and generate comments and questions for discussion when the group meets each week.
6. Encourage the teachers to read and discuss Nellie Edge kindergarten blogs; these weekly posts wrap around the seminar content. Nellie Edge’s Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) store, our video clips and Kindergarten Pinterest boards provide additional, carefully curated resources.
7. Early in the study group sessions, read and discuss excerpts from the research of Dr. Hatti on “visible learning” and Dr. Dweck’s work on “growth mindset.” Consider how each NEOS high-impact strategy contributes to socioemotional learning and takes advantage of how the brain learns best. Read and consider What is Your Research Base?
Reference Books:
- Kindergarten Writing and The Common Core: Joyful Pathways to Accelerated Literacy, Nellie Edge, Nellie Edge Resources, 2015.
- Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Dr. Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D., updated edition, Random House, 2016.
- Visible Learning for Teachers, Dr. John Hattie, Routledge, 2012.
- Using the SIOP™ Model with Pre-K and Kindergarten English Learners, Jana Echevarria, Deborah J. Short, Carla Peterson, Pearson, 2012
- Best Practice Bring Standards to Life in America’s Classrooms, Steven Zemelman, Harvey “Smokey” Daniels, Arthur Hyde, Heinemann, 2012.
- What Really Matters in Response to Intervention: Research-Based Designs, Richard L. Allington, 4th edition, Pearson, 2009.
Download complete Literacy Leader Support with FAQs and Practicum Suggestions
Nellie Edge Online Seminars:
Summer Distance Learning Special: All 3 Online Seminars $79! (Save $58!) Credits available.
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