Nellie Edge Read and Sing Big Books™
Give All Children "I Can Read" Experiences
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I Can Read Colors
Full-color Book
Includes 1 Reproducible Little Book Master
Orange is an orange/Yellow is the sun." This simple musical rhyme uses color words in a meaningful context. Illustrations enhance and support the meaning of the text. Success is reinforced by the final phrase. “I can read. Listen to me.”
I Can Spell Cat
Full-color Book
Includes 1 Reproducible Little Book Master
Written by Nellie Edge and sung to the melody of Skip to My Lou, this song supports children's understanding of word families in a most playful and brain-friendly way. "I can spell cat, “c-a-t”. I can spell rat, “r-a-t”… Success is reinforced by the final phrase: "I can spell. Listen to me."
I Love the Mountains
Full-color Book
Includes 1 Reproducible Little Book Master
Every child deserves the delight of “owning” this traditional folk song. Sung by generations of young campers and scouts, the lovely, repetitive phrases and melody combine to make it a perfect Big Book.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
Full-color Book
Includes 1 Reproducible Little Book Master
Nellie Edge’s endearing version of this jump-rope jingle deserves a place in every classroom library. Adults and children alike can’t resist this huggable bear. “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, I love you…”
The More We Get Together
Full-color Book
Includes 1 Reproducible Little Book Master
Our favorite song to sing as children gather together. It affirms friendships and builds the sense of community. “For your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends…”
Miss Mary Mack
Full-color Book
Includes 1 Reproducible Little Book Master
This rhyme encourages active involvement by even the most reluctant reader. Motivation is high to re-read and create personal versions after participation with this story line. Traditional.
Magic Penny
Full-color Book
Includes 1 Reproducible Little Book Master
This well-loved song by Malvina Reynolds deserves a place in every classroom. The message is “Love is something if you give it away/You end up having more.” Traditional.
Mary Wore Her Red Dress
Full-color Book
Includes 1 Reproducible Little Book Master
“…Aaron wore his purple tennis shoes…” Nellie Edge's adaptation of this familiar Texas folk song invites children to sing about what they are wearing. The underlying message to children is: “Your lives are worth singing about!” This pattern is ideal for a group-authored book.
I Have a Cat
Full-color Book
Includes 1 Reproducible Little Book Master
“I have a cat/My cat wears a hat…” Children love to chant and mime this charming, catchy rhyme. Ideal pattern for a variety of text innovations. Adapted by Nellie Edge.
Goodnight Irene
Full-color Book
Includes 1 Reproducible Little Book Master
“Foxes sleep in the forest…” So begins this enduring adaptation of our favorite “love-a-bye.” This animal version of the original Ledbetter song is sure to become your classroom favorite, too. Children's version by Raffi and D. Pike.
Down on Grandpa's Farm
Full-color Book
Includes 1 Reproducible Little Book Master
“Oh, we're on our way, on our way, on our way to Grandpa's farm…” repeats the chorus of this well-loved folk song. Children will want to elaborate on the pattern and make up their own verses. “What else do we see at Grandpa's farm?”
Full-color Book
Includes 1 Reproducible Little Book Master
“This is Jack-O-Happy/This is Jack-O-Sad…” The predictable pattern of this seasonal rhyme leads to successful reading experiences. Traditional.
Five Little Speckled Frogs
Full-color Book
Includes 1 Reproducible Little Book Master
This familiar counting song provides a context for developing both language and math concepts. Children will delight in acting out this song. Traditional.
Los Pollitos
(The Baby Chicks)
Spanish Full-color Book
Includes 1 Reproducible Little Book Master
This delightfully nurturing and well-known children's song from Cuba speaks to the universal theme of Mamma caring for her young. Children love to act out being hungry baby chicks whose mommy feeds them wheat and keeps them warm. English translation and music included.
Las Mañanitas (Early Morning Birthday Song)
Spanish Full-color Book
Includes 1 Reproducible Little Book Master
All children deserve to know this traditional and well-loved Mexican song that is sung early in the morning for birthdays and other special days. While there are many other mañanitas, we believe this is one of the most common. It is our choice for the “perfect song” for multi-cultural classroom celebrations. English translation and music included.
De Colores (The Colors)
Spanish Full-color Book
Includes 1 Reproducible Little Book Master
This is one of the most beautiful and, perhaps, the best-loved song in the Spanish-speaking world. People often hold hands and sway as they sing it. The lovely melody and the beautiful lyrics make memorable this anthem of the United Farm Workers of America, founded by Cesar Chavez. English translation and music included.
Mi Rancho (My Farm)
Spanish Full-color Book
Includes 1 Reproducible Little Book Master
This popular and joyful Latin American children's folk song has a highly repetitive pattern, making it ideal in the development of language and literacy skills. The universal appeal of the lyrics: “Vengan a ver mi rancho que hermosa…” (“Come and see my farm which is so beautiful…” ) invites children to sing about farm animals and play with different animal sounds. Similar to the English version, Down on Grandpa's Farm. English translation and music included.
Un Elefante Se Balanceaba (One Elephant Went Out to Play) Full-color Book
Includes 1 Reproducible Little Book Master
Every culture has their own playful, animal counting song for the young. This well-known one is from Argentina. It can be dramatized to add to the emotional appeal. Spanish grammar patterns are learned easily within the song. English translation and music included.
Oh, A-Hunting We Will Go
Full-color Book
Includes 1 Reproducible Little Book Master
“…We'll catch a fox and put him in a box and then we'll let him go.” This rollicking folk song makes an engaging Big Book. Children's innovations on the text can easily become material for a class-made Big Book. Traditional.
Nellie Edge Online Seminars
Grow Your Kindergarten Writers Build Stamina for the Writing Workshop
• ABC Phonics
• Kindergarten Handwriting
• Authentic Sight Word Work
Nellie Edge teaches you essential skills designed from 30 years of experience in step-by-step videos:
Seminar #1: Multisensory ABC and Phonics Immersion
Seminar #2: Kindergarten-Friendly Handwriting Matters!
Seminar #3: Authentic Sight Word Work
- Unlimited Access to Online Video Tutorials
- Companion Teacher's Guide
- Coordinating Classroom Resources - ready to use!

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