Professional Development in Joyful, Accelerated Literacy: Proven Strategies for Meeting Rigorous Common Core Standards
Sponsoring a Nellie Edge Residency, Seminar, or Keynote Presentation with Follow-up Workshop (2016/17)
Details to ensure a quality experience are as follows:
Minimum number of seminar participants required is 75. There is no maximum, provided the space is accommodating. Seminar is appropriate for all educators concerned with joyful, accelerated language and early literacy development.
Residency or Seminar ā $4,500.00 consulting fee per day plus travel (direct flight) and per diem for Nellie Edge or colleague, and seminar setup assistant. If it is more efficient to travel via car (in Washington and Oregon), a fee will be charged to cover packing, unpacking, driver time, and mileage.
Keynote presentations and follow-up morning presentations in the same room ā $3,500. A complimentary e-Book of keynote highlights will be available to download from our site. Participants will also be able to view online video clips of many of our joyful accelerated literacy practices to enhance the practical follow-through from the conference. We are excited to offer these services to all of our colleagues.
We highly recommend that you help the participants prepare by sharing the link to our website ( so they can view our Weekly Focus blogs, detailed website pages, video clips, and resources that will be of special interest to early literacy educators. We encourage teachers to participate in professional development dialog prior to and after the seminar.
For Nellie Edge Residencies and Seminars, each participant receives a comprehensive seminar manual, anthology set, and CD or instructional DVD featuring favorite seminar songs. The cost of the materials is your responsibility as well as shipping fees, due 30 days prior to the seminar. Seminar resource prices vary and will be discussed and agreed upon in advance.
A hotel or suitable conference meeting room of at least 2,100 square feet is required. The room needs to comfortably seat teachers (classroom style) with room to move into aisles for hand jiving, dancing, and active literacy games. The room must be equipped with air conditioning/heating, a quality sound system with cordless lavaliere microphone, projector and screen for a PowerPoint presentation, and two easels.
If seminar is not held at a hotel, then an auditorium with chairs and arm rests or comparable conference room is required. Nellie needs a quiet room adjacent to the presentation room in which to eat, plan, and refocus during the lunch break.
Seminar setup requires 4 tables of 2' x 6' or 8' length for display in the front and 8 tables in the back of the room (diagram will be sent). Many examples of language charts, photo montages, and child-made books will be displayed.
We must be able to set up between 2:00pm and 6:00pm the day prior to the seminar to create a visually-engaging, language-rich environment for participants. We will require an assistant or bellman to help load and unload boxes of materials.
Refreshments served with Nellie Edge Seminars include: coffee, decaffeinated coffee, tea, fruit, and whole wheat bagels with cream cheese for the morning break as well as water andassorted beverages for the afternoon break. Pitchers of water need to available, on the tables, throughout the day. All catering fees are the responsibility of the sponsoring agency.
A site coordinator will need to make arrangements for Nellie Edge and her assistant to travel to and from the hotel, seminar site, and airport.
Ā To assist with promotion of this seminar or conference, you may make copies of our seminar description fliersāadding your seminar date, special discounted pricing, and location information. Nellie Edge Seminars needs to preapprove any promotional brochures. We recommend that brochures be disseminated at least 16 weeks prior to the event, with follow-up emails linking teachers to our blog, photo essays, and video clips from our website.
Travel expenses and seminar material fees are due one month prior to the scheduled event. The remainder is due on the day of presentation.
As an alternative to the direct costs involved in sponsoring a seminar, we also work collaboratively with district literacy coordinators and offer a reduced seminar fee to individual teachers registering for the seminar. (The minimum number of guaranteed attendees is 50 to 75, depending on locale.) Nellie Edge Seminars provides for advertising, travel and all direct seminar costs in these collaborative relationships, which usually involve a district interested in an ongoing professional relationship.
Bringing a Nellie Edge Residency or Seminar to your district is a major commitment for quality professional development. We are only available for a few residencies or seminars and keynote addresses each year. We recommend you allow at least six months for planning and promotion. We promise an inspiring day celebrating language and accelerating literacy with proven strategies that make a powerful difference in meeting Common Core Standardsāand a magical difference in the classroom. We look forward to working with you.
See Seminar page for our current Seminar schedule and details.
Grow Your Kindergarten Writers!
(1, 2, or 3 days of comprehensive professional development)
Note: Kindergarten Writing Professional Development is also available from Nellie Edge Online Seminars.
Even if we are not able to share a seminar or keynote presentation in your area, we hope your teachers will link to our educational website and join our free online community for Weekly Focus blogs, video clips, e-Books, articles, reproducible Poetry Anthology pages, Little Books, and writing templates.
Kindergarten is for Language
It is the familiarity with the English language that allows a child to develop phonemic awareness, build comprehension and extend vocabulary. It is the familiarity with the English language that allows a childās decoding to be error free and reading to be fluent. Oral language is the vital foundation that allows us to develop confident, independent readers and writers who achieve ambitious expectations. We teach most powerfully when we celebrate language, involve parents, and honor childhood.
āĀ Nellie Edge

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