Discover the Power of Signing Songs for Joyful, Accelerated Teaching and Learning (PreK-2)
Updated February 13, 2024

10 Reasons to Sign Songs: Enhance All Children’s Language and Literacy!

1. Signing songs helps build an active,
joyful community of learners.
The children on the left are performing signed songs at a multicultural school assembly. The second photo shows kindergartners celebrating their beautiful songs in sign for families at an end-of-year celebration.
3. Sign Language provides a powerful bridge to comprehension between English and Spanish language learning.

After children have learned to sing and sign the language in their song, picture books, they can more easily read the words with comprehension. This boy is reading the Nellie Edge Read and Sing Book Yo Tengo Un Gato/ I Have a Cat Little Book.
5. Fingerspelling builds kinesthetic memory connections for letters and sounds and develops the small muscles necessary for writing. best!

Here children are signing the word “l-o-v-e.” Singing and fingerspelling the L-O-V-E Spells Love song supports learning to write “love” and the powerful message: I love you.
7. Sign language builds meaning by creating internal images of language.

These children are signing “cat” by tracing the cat’s whiskers.
The image is from ABC Phonics: Sing, Sign, and Read! by Nellie Edge.
9. Songs in sign create memorable parent performances.

Parents delight in seeing the confidence and enthusiasm for learning that children bring home. They love watching their children perform beautiful and meaningful language: The Pledge of Allegiance in American Sign Language (ASL). (See American Patriot CD.) For video clips of American Sign Language, see Video tab at
Give your students the gift of fingerspelling to build memory, fine motor skills, and literacy.
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For teachers using ABC phonics: Sing, Sign, and Read! book by Nellie Edge, Download our new eBook!
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