Nellie Edge Small "Best Practices" Live Workshops

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Dramatically Increase Kindergarten Writing Proficiency

Dramatically Accelerate Kindergarten Writing Proficiency and End the Year with Amazing Published Books! Small “Best Practice” Workshop with Nellie Edge

Writing Workshop #3 with Nellie Edge
From Independent Writing Centers to Published Books

  1. You need not have attended Writing Workshop #1 and #2 to benefit from our most popular Kindergarten Writing Workshop!
  2. This workshop includes FREE access to Nellie Edge Online Seminars ($117 value!)
  3. Kindergarten Cadre scholarships available for Salem-Keizer teachers, NBCTS recipients, Reading Recovery® teachers, mentor teachers. Email for details.

2023 Dates TBD


In just one day, experience the power of authentic kindergarten writing strategies.

1. Independent Writing Totes Provide Systematic and Authentic “Heart Word” Practice.

Writing totes for kindergarten

Independent writing totes provide drawing and bookmaking experiences with a sequence of “heart word” sentences: “I love…,” “I see the…,” “I like my…,” “I can see…,” ”I have a…”

2. Children Are Engaged in Writing Workshop and Authentic, Motivating Writing-to-Read Experiences with Good Handwriting Throughout the Day and Across the Curriculum.

Writing Workshop Model

kindergarteners drawKindergartners love to draw and write and make “really cool” books.

3. “I love you” Is Our Handwriting Anchor Sentence: We Read, Write, and Practice “Heart Words” for Fluency.

Fingerspelling in Kindergarten

Sight Word Lesson in KindergartenWe expect all children to master this sentence using accurate handwriting, spaces between words, and punctuation. Even special needs students can write “I love you” early in the year.

4. Our Students Use Music, Fingerspelling, Writing, and Sign Language to Create Memory Hooks. We Take Advantage of How the Brain Learns Best!

Fingerspelling in Kindergarten

Children simultaneously practice handwriting and high-frequency “heart words.”

5. Ongoing Assessment Drives Instruction, and Learning Is Celebrated!

6. “Parents as Partners” Accelerates Mastery of High-Frequency “Heart Words.”

5. Involve “Parents as Partners” in Individualizing the Study of High-Frequency “Heart Words.”

Each new set of “heart words” goes home on a ring in a special box for family practice as soon as the previous set is mastered.

heart words in kindergarten teacher resources

7. Learning Is Differentiated, and All Children Receive an Arts-Rich Talented and Gifted (TAG) Learning Model.

kindergarten writers make books

There is a constant challenge for the more-proficient readers and writers, and there is scaffolding for the developmentally-younger and less-experienced writers.

8. We Teach the Common Core Opinion Writing Word “because” Through Rhythm, Rhyme, and Writing Early in the Year.

Teach Common Core Opinion Writing

Children engage in high-quality oral language rehearsals emphasizing the word “because.”

9. Children Write Compound Sentences, e.g.: “I love my mom because she loves me.” “I Can Read” Anthology Pages Featuring “Heart Word” Songs and Chants Are Illustrated.

word work in kindergarten

Children take pride in doing quality work and in challenging themselves to fingerspell, write, and read each new word.

10. Harder-to-Accelerate Students Receive Additional Multisensory “Heart Word,” CVC Practice, Word Work, and ABC Brain Exercises for Fluency.

Word Work, ABC Brain Exercises

Response to Intervention (RTI) teams, volunteers, and parents provide additional targeted practice. Our end goal is fluency — speed and accuracy!

11. Our Rooms Have A-Z Word Walls with Movable “Heart Word” Cards That Children Use!

This essential kindergarten workshop includes 15 points of excellence.

Children use these words during writer’s workshop time. With limited space, a cookie sheet or an oil pan may become an additional movable Word Wall!

12. Writing Workshop Is Where Children Practice the Craft of Becoming a Writer: Information Stories Become Published Books.

Writing Workshop

writing workshop model - kindergarten class books

(Thank you Jaime Corliss for published books)

A Comprehensive Kindergarten Writing Workshop model includes all students as authors and illustrators, publishing their own fiction and information books. They do amazing work!

Document1 (Thank you Jaime Corliss for published books) A Comprehensive Kindergarten Writing Workshop model includes all students as authors and illustrators, publishing their own fiction and information books. They do amazing work!

Kindergartners, like twelfth graders, draft, edit, and publish their writing. Lucy Calkin

BONUS! Art, Creativity, Voice, and Playfulness Are Part of the Writing Process!

Choose Joyful Pathways to the Common Core: Allow Children's Creativity to Flourish While Meeting Rigorous ELA Writing Standards....

Your registration includes writing supports
to make proven writing practices routine in your classroom!

A Teacher’s Power Guide: Nellie’s step-by-step presentation

A Teacher’s Power Guide: Nellie’s step-by-step presentation

The essential templates you need to create 4 independent writing totes

Receive all the essential templates you need
to teach children to draw and make books!

gift folder

Gift Folder (anthologies, drawing templates, book making samples)

Nellie Edge

About Nellie Edge

For more than three decades, Nellie Edge has been teaching and inspiring kindergarten teachers around the globe. Her proven literacy strategies are grounded in evidence-based research. Teachers everywhere have seen higher student achievement and joyful, engaged learners when they’ve followed her proven practices and used her extensive resources.
Read more about Nellie Edge.

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Loved it! Love the applicable learning! It speaks to my teaching heart. –Elizabeth Hoover, 1st grade

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Thank you for reminding us of what authentic learning is all about. –Becky Bull, kindergarten teacher

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I love how all of the information is current and relevant to today’s students and the standards...

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Best I've been to in 35 years!

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You put the fun back into teaching and learning.

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