Nellie Edge Small "Best Practices" Live Workshops

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Discover an authentic, integrated approach to handwriting that builds stamina and fluency for writing workshop.

kindergarten friendly handwriting

How to Teach Kindergarten-Friendly Handwriting
with Nellie Edge

This popular workshop may fill early! Limited to 35 teachers for a quality experience.

Saturday, September 28, 2019 | Salem, OR
Salem Conference Center | 8:30am - 3:30pm

Register Today and Save $50
$189 through Sept. 6 (Reg $239) 

Hands-On Learning:

  • Teach handwriting while building stamina and fluency for Writing Workshop
  • Discover how to teach pencil grip
  • Learn how to teach name writing with Parents as Partners
  • Dramatically increase kindergarten writing proficiency with daily “heart word” sentence writing with good handwriting
  • Practice 30 Essential Kindergarten Handwriting Lessons with
    multisensory strategies

Discover a handwriting program developed by kindergarten teachers for kindergarten teachers: Have the best kindergarten writing year ever!

Includes all resources!

  • Includes all handwriting resources and gift folder!
  • Also includes 3 Nellie Edge Online Seminars (NEOS) free for review and professional development (3 PDUs available for each NEOS)
  • PDUs and WA clock hours available
teach kindergartners handwriting
10 Kindergarten Handwriting: 1. Use a Name Ticket Model
kindergarten handwriting lesson
handwriting practice lessons
learn to draw in kindergarten

Peruse our Handwriting page to see these strategies used in real classrooms.

For more details see our blog How to Simplify Handwriting Instruction

Download FREE eBook: Kindergarten-Friendly Handwriting: How to Build Fluency for Writing Workshop

Can’t attend? Handwriting resources are available on Nellie Edge TpT Store and NEOS #2.

Nellie Edge

About Nellie Edge

For more than three decades, Nellie Edge has been teaching and inspiring kindergarten teachers around the globe. Her proven literacy strategies are grounded in evidence-based research. Teachers everywhere have seen higher student achievement and joyful, engaged learners when they’ve followed her proven practices and used her extensive resources.
Read more about Nellie Edge.

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