Why Does Kindergarten-Friendly Handwriting Matter?
If handwriting motions are not fluent, it interferes with the whole writing process.
A multisensory, integrated approach to handwriting is the most time-efficient, inexpensive, and brain-friendly way we know to plant lifelong habits for good handwriting in kindergarten while building stamina and fluency for Writing Workshop!
The photo essays in this E-Book provide glimpses of an authentic approach to kindergarten handwriting that embraces the arts, differentiates learning, and invites parents to be partners in kindergarten success. Actively engage your students in these drawing and handwriting strategies and weave them into your own writing framework.
Fingerspelling, sign language, and singing are a part of our multisensory handwriting framework. These powerful strategies create multisensory memory hooks—especially for English Language Learners and harder-to-accelerate learners. (Scroll down the ABC Phonics page to find free fingerspelling tutorials. )
Developed BY teachers FOR teachers! Over 10 years of collaboration with master writing teachers culminated in this approach to kindergarten-friendly handwriting and is documented on our action-research blogs from the 10 High-Impact Kindergarten Writing Strategies. MRIs of the child’s brain prove: Tracing over letters is NOT consistent with how the brain learns best! Embedding handwriting into authentic writing experiences makes the brain work harder, motivates students to see themselves as writers, and directly transfers to Writing Workshop. That is why we teach children good handwriting as they first practice their names, real words and sentences, draw, and make books!
Your Kindergarten-Friendly Handwriting E-Book includes:
- Kindergarten-Friendly Handwriting: 10 Keys to Success
- Ten Tips for Teaching Pencil Grip
- Kindergarten-Friendly Handwriting Matters
- 16 Frequently Asked Questions
- Ten Reasons to Teach Fingerspelling in Kindergarten
- Kindergarten-Friendly Handwriting Resources on TpT
- Samples from T-he e-n-d The End pages
We invite you to share our journey as teacher-researchers committed to integrating handwriting into a multisensory, authentic, and comprehensive writing framework. Join our online community for weekly kindergarten blogs that wrap around Best Practices research and accelerate learning. Enjoy joyful documentation of how the brain learns best!
Kindergarten Authors and Illustrators Learn to Fancy Up “The End” Pages
Kindergarten-Friendly Handwriting provides authentic word work and builds stamina for writing workshop
Children produce unique and creative work.

T-h-e e-n-d. The end!
Enjoy spelling chants from Sing, Sign, Spell and Read! CD by Nellie Edge, Gina Edge, and Rosalie Karalekas.
Teachers have permission to make multiple copies of Sing, Sign, Spell, and Read! program for Family Literacy.
Nellie Edge Online Seminars
Nellie Edge teaches you essential skills designed from 30 years of experience in step-by-step videos:
Seminar #1: Multisensory ABC and Phonics Immersion
Seminar #2: Kindergarten-Friendly Handwriting Matters!
Seminar #3: Authentic Sight Word Work
- Unlimited Access to Online Video Tutorials
- Companion Teacher's Guide
- Coordinating Classroom Resources - ready to use!

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