Nellie Edge 2018 Small "Best Practices" Live Workshop

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Connect With Families to Multiply Your Teaching Effectiveness: Begin with Spring Registration! with Nellie Edge

Build Family Connections that Multiply Your Teaching Effectiveness: Begin with Spring Registration!

with Nellie Edge

Saturday, February 10, 2018 - Grand Hotel - Salem, OR


A small hands-on “Best Practices” Workshop (Limited to 35)

3 PDUs or 6 WA Clock Hours available

Create a supportive "Parents as Partners" program with easy-to-implement strategies that will make a powerful difference in each child’s language and literacy development, social skills and love of learning.

In just one day, you will learn how to:

Motivate kindergarten families at spring registration to build literacy skills over the summer: ABC Phonics, name writing, singing, talking, reading, and playing with nursery rhymes.

Build a powerful Parents as Partners program that multiplies your teaching effectiveness ALL YEAR LONG! Meet new ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) guidelines with meaningful family involvement.

Create a simple, delightful open house with a welcoming Scavenger Hunt; then have the best literacy night ever!

Share authentic and meaningful ways for families to help grow kindergarten writers and illustrators. Teach the developmental levels of writing and drawing.

Help families understand the value of play: outdoor play, purposeful literacy play, block building, and making things.

Engage families in student-led parent conferences; empower children to take ownership of their learning process.

Learn how to get more parent volunteers into the classroom and how to use their skills more effectively. Create a “giving tree” for classroom needs and wishes.

Establish family reading traditions including home-to-school Book Clubs and Book Buddy Bags.

Build Family Connections that Multiply Your Teaching Effectiveness: Begin with Spring Registration!

Support Parents as Partners in helping edit and publish kindergartners’ books this spring. Your students and families will LOVE these books! This is one of the best things we do!

Build Family Connections that Multiply Your Teaching Effectiveness: Begin with Spring Registration!

Learn to sing and sign for your end-of-year family celebration: What a Wonderful World, The Pledge of Allegiance, and Goodnight Irene.

“We have a covenant with families that says we jointly share responsibility for teaching your child.”
—Ernest Boyer

National Board Certified teachers and Salem-Keizer kindergarten teachers: email for scholarship details.

Workshop includes the resources you need to build your Parents as Partners in Kindergarten in Success program: resource book, power guide manual, parent letters, spring registration packet, scavenger hunt set, gift folder, and sign language resources, and more. (More than a $99 value!)

Scholarships available: 
National Board Certified teachers and Salem-Keizer kindergarten teachers: email for scholarship details.  

Connect With Families to Multiply Your Teaching Effectiveness: Begin with Spring Registration!

Your Colleagues Evaluate Nellie Edge Professional Development

Loved it! Love the applicable learning! It speaks to my teaching heart. –Elizabeth Hoover, 1st grade

See evaluations from 2017 Phonics for Fluency

Thank you for reminding us of what authentic learning is all about. –Becky Bull, kindergarten teacher

See evaluations from the 2017 Writing Institute

I love how all of the information is current and relevant to today’s students and the standards...

See evaluations from the Portland Seminar

Best I've been to in 35 years!

See evaluations from the Boston Seminar

You put the fun back into teaching and learning.

See evaluations from California Seminar

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Nellie Edge

About Nellie Edge

For more than three decades, Nellie Edge has been teaching and inspiring kindergarten teachers around the globe. Her proven literacy strategies are grounded in evidence-based research. Teachers everywhere have seen higher student achievement and joyful, engaged learners when they’ve followed her proven practices and used her extensive resources.
Read more about Nellie Edge.

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