Once you get the community right, the levels of learning soar. –Ralph Peterson
Over the years, my kindergarten colleagues and I have shared many vignettes of memorable classroom rituals, traditions, and celebrations. For us, school has always been a “celebrative place.” We delight in making each child’s learning experience more memorable and meaningful through thoughtful attention to classroom rituals, traditions and celebrations. These symbolic acts help us build a thriving community of learners.
Teachers across the country have added layers to our collective stories of building a joyful learning community.

These stories have touched our hearts and stirred our imaginations. They deserve to be shared with a wider audience, and thus comes my motivation for this book. At the center of each of the following vignettes is the need to symbolically transform experiences and to communicate thoughts and feelings.
Becoming an ambitious reader, writer, and thinker in kindergarten is supported by a rich social context of memorable, meaningful learning.

Nellie Edge Online Seminars
Grow Your Kindergarten Writers Build Stamina for the Writing Workshop
• ABC Phonics
• Kindergarten Handwriting
• Authentic Sight Word Work
Nellie Edge teaches you essential skills designed from 30 years of experience in step-by-step videos:
Seminar #1: Multisensory ABC and Phonics Immersion
Seminar #2: Kindergarten-Friendly Handwriting Matters!
Seminar #3: Authentic Sight Word Work
- Unlimited Access to Online Video Tutorials
- Companion Teacher's Guide
- Coordinating Classroom Resources - ready to use!

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