The Poetry "I Can Read" Notebook Tradition Is Treasured by Parents and Children.

- I can recite and reread these poems and songs with my family.
- Memorizing rhymes develops phonemic awareness.
- I am training my eyes to move quickly across the page.

- The more I practice, the better I get!
- I am learning to be a good expressive speaker—just like my teacher!
- Every time I reread a rhyme, my reading gets better.

The Science of Reading Supports a Comprehensive Approach to Early Literacy
Our students need a solid foundation of phonemic awareness, systematic phonics, writing skills (encoding sounds to print) and language development to build reading success!
The science of reading supports more than systematic phonics mastery, it includes building vocabulary, comprehension, and oral language fluency. This is especially critical for emergent bilingual students who need more practice using language with Total Emotional Body Response to Language (TEBRL) strategies.
We encourage you to build a love of language and an “I can do it!” growth mindset through the power of daily shared poetry and song experiences.
- Use drama, movement, sign language, and dance to build comprehension
- Sing songs and recite rhymes with expression and intonation.
- Provide illustration to personalize meaning
- We honor both the art of best teaching practices and the science of reading when we give students “I Can Read” Poetry Notebooks to build foundational skills and celebrate language!
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