Celebrate Language and Accelerate Literacy
Celebrate Language and Accelerate Literacy
Begin the Year with Oral Language Traditions That Honor Childhood, Teach Names, and Enhance Literacy Foundations.
Our songs, dances, musical dramas, stories, and studies provide the shared experiences needed to build community and belonging.

Celebrate Language and Create a Culture of Kindergarten Book Lovers!
with Nellie Edge and Master Kindergarten Teacher Colleagues
We will notify you by February 1 of our plans for Nellie Edge Kindergarten Summer Institute 2021. We may explore distance learning if it must be an option.

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Oral Language is the First Curriculum Priority: So Bring Back the Out-Loud Culture!
“Hello Neighbor” is a grand greeting song and dance with Celeste Starr. Children learn social skills: how to shake hands and make friends.

Willoughby, Wallaby Woo by Denis Lee invites us to teach rhyming words and names in the most engaging personal way.

Through giving dictation, children learn that talk can be written down; they begin to develop the concept of a word. By incorporating children’s lives into songs and class books, they learn that their lives are worth singing and reading about.
We Build on Adaptions of Familiar and Memorable Language Patterns: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Brown Bear, Brown Bear is linguistically perfect because Bill Martin, Jr. patterned it on the rhythmically perfect melody Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

Brown Bear, Brown Bear
What do you see?
I see a red bird
Looking at me.

Teachers have adapted this pattern to make engaging class books featuring their students. Teacher Nicole Hiley asks parents to send in a baby picture of their child. She takes a photo of each of her new kindergartners the first few days of school and combines this with the child’s baby picture and creates a memorable class book. By using several alternating colors, it is easier for each child to find their page.

Another popular photo book that children and their families enjoy reading features pictures of every child in the class. Title: Children, Children, Who Do You See? (Note: To keep the original Brown Bear, Brown Bear pattern with high pictorial support on each page, the first page will only have one sentence.)
Katie Nelson Builds Phonemic Awareness with Her Helper-of-the Day Song and Fingerspelling Cheer

Fingerspelling helps build the reading and writing brain.

We Sing Songs and Create Class Books about the Lives of Our Kindergarten Children: Who Lost a Tooth?

Download template for making this book on FREE Resources
What’s the Most Favorite Kindergarten Book? ALL About Teacher!
Children love to learn about their teacher…

Share Greetings in English, Spanish, and Sign Language and Sing Beautiful Traditional Spanish Songs with ALL Learners
Children deserve to memorize, recite, illustrate and read delightful language. These pages become a part of each child’s “I Can Read” Anthology Notebook.

Celebrate Language and Build a Joyful Community of Learners! Children will forever carry the memories…

Special thank you to Becky Leber, Katie Nelson, Celeste Starr, Joanie Cutler, Laura Flocker, Jaime Corliss, Kathie Bridges, Shanda Lung, Julie Lay, and Diane Bonica.
Celebrate Language and Accelerate Literacy with the Children Whose Lives You Touch!
Nellie Edge
Nellie Edge Online Seminars:
Summer Distance Learning Special: All 3 Online Seminars $79! (Save $58!) Credits available.
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